As beverage-makers look to align taste profiles with the growing demands on health-and-wellness products, suppliers are crafting solutions that support those goals.
Although a niche category, experts highlight how the kombucha market remains resilient, driven by health and wellness trends and diverse flavor innovations.
As health and wellness trends continue to be a driving factor in the beverage industry, experts highlight how exotic fruits’ functional attributes and unique flavor profiles have growing appeal.
With consumers’ wellness approach toward weight management, experts highlight how demand for nutritious drinks that support overall well-being is transforming the industry.
As today’s consumers look to maximize their dollars on nutritious food and beverages, experts highlight how natural and organic retailers can capitalize on health and wellness trends.
Despite increased economic uncertainty, experts note that bottled water sales are on the rise as consumers continue to prioritize their health and wellness.
As America’s youth consistently consume sugary drinks on any given day, PLEZi Nutrition launched with a goal of creating beverages with less sugar, less sweetness and more nutrients for kids’ to enjoy.