In conjunction with National Iced Tea Month, Bethesda, Md.-based JUST ICE Tea announced its summer campaign: Tea Marks the Spot. 

Starting this week, JUST ICE Tea will pop up across the United States, giving consumers a chance to win a year’s supply of tea. 

The ready-to-drink tea brand will share clues about its location each week on Instagram and TikTok. Consumers who follow JUST ICE Tea on social media pages and comment on posts will be given a secret password via their messages. The first person to correctly find pop-up location in their city and share the secret password will receive a year’s supply of JUST ICE Tea. Prizes will be given to the next 10 people with the password who arrive at the location. 

JUST ICE Tea will pop up in Washington D.C., New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and more.