Tuesday Dec. 15, in an event titled, “The Malts of Legend,” introduced five new single malts through a theatrical experience complete with surprise (and impromptu) guest appearances by actors Chris Noth and Chris McDonald. The five new single-malt Scotches, which launched in December, are Deveron, Royal Brackla, Craigellachie, Aultmore and Aberfeldy. Attendees were invited to mingle and taste the single malts as they enjoyed the theatrical displays that accompanied each. Posted December 22nd.
While it seems hard to recall now, but there was a time when advertising focused on print, radio or TV ads. The rise of computers and other smart technology brought social media into the mix for marketers. In March, Beverage Industry looked at the social media stories for several beer brands. But this month, Brand Chorus, a division of New York-based TippingGardner, conducted a spirits StoryScore Index for Beverage Industry. StoryScore is a quantitative measure of a brand’s storytelling through social management based on creativity, strategy and personality.
Click here to view full-size infographic.
Diageo’s Crown Royal whiskey brand hosted an exclusive media tasting for its newest variant, Crown Royal XO, during a Chicago Bulls vs. Orlando Magic game on April 14 at the United Center in Chicago. (Photos by Jennifer Haderspeck and Fab Photo Chicago)
Beam Inc.’s Great Whisk(ey) Debate set out to determine which type of whisk(e)y — bourbon, Scotch, Canadian or Irish — the Chicago spirits industry prefers. Brand representatives supporting Beam brands Knob Creek, Laphroaig, Canadian Club and Tyrconnell participated in a friendly debate, touting the merits of each type of whisk(e)y and rallying audience support for their styles. (Photos by Jennifer Haderspeck) Related: Up Close with Knob Creek.
Scotch whisky brand Glenfiddich, a brand of William Grant & Sons Ltd., gives us a taste of its limited-edition 19 Year Old Age of Discovery whisky as well as its Glenfiddich 12 Year Old, 15 Year Old and 19 Year Old whiskies at Age of Discovery’s Chicago launch Nov. 7, 2013. (Photos by Jennifer Haderspeck)
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