7-ounce option opens drinking occasions for light beer brand
March 12, 2018
Michelob ULTRA, a brand of St. Louis-based Anheuser-Busch, unveiled 7-ounce bottles, bringing consumers a Michelob ULTRA offering at a portion that will fit their needs any night of the week. With 55 calories and 1.5 carbs, Michelob ULTRA’s 7-ounce packaging is a beer solution to keep the weeknight light, the company says.
As consumer demands shift toward natural and organic products, companies that were ahead of the trend, like San Francisco-based Purity Organic LLC, have benefited from this strategic positioning.
Consumers able to access exclusive content via smartphones, bottles
December 5, 2017
Astral Tequila, a brand of New York-based Davos Brands, announced that it will introduce smart bottles of its spirit to engage with consumers in-store and deliver customized digital experiences with the tap of a smartphone, it says.