Green Day’s Punk Bunny Coffee brand, which launched earlier this year, has partnered with the TBS animated series “American Dad!” for a limited-edition roast.

The blend, appropriately named Good Morning U.S.A. as a nod to the series’ theme song, is available for purchase online exclusively at The partnership also includes a Green Day x "American Dad!" x Punk Bunny video promo. 

“This collab with Punk Bunny is a total blast,” said series creator and executive producer Matt Weitzman, and executive producer Brian Boyle in a joint statement. “We’re stoked to celebrate ‘American Dad!’ with a roast that’s as wild and irreverent as the show itself. Green Day’s been rocking out almost as long as we’ve been trying to wake up in the morning. And twice as long as we’ve been waking up in the morning and trying to write jokes for ‘American Dad!’ So this collab coffee, or ‘colloffee’ as we’ve been saying around the office, feels long overdue.”

Green Day’s bassist and longtime fan of the show Mike Dirnt added, “Punk Bunny Coffee and ‘American Dad!’ Game on, Roger.”

The full-body roast features notes of citrus peel and chocolate milk. It celebrates the mutual fandom shared between the animated series and Green Day, whose music has been featured in an episode, the brand says.