Sweet Green Fields launched a new stevia-based natural flavor, STEVIAROMA, to help food and beverage manufacturers keep the sweet taste, mouthfeel and flavor of sugar when reducing most or all sugar and replacing with high-intensity sweeteners (HIS), the company says. STEVIAROMA is labeled as a natural flavor that improves the holistic sensory performance of HIS by elevating the sweetness, supplying the full-bodied mouthfeel and modifying the flavor and aroma, it adds. “We invented this taste modulator for HIS from the stevia leaf,” said Jack Shi, chairman and innovation scientist at Sweet Green Fields, in a statement. “We want to mimic 100 percent of sugar performance in sugar-reduced foods and beverages. Sugar doesn’t contribute sweetness only, it provides texture and flavor too. Now we have done it with STEVIAROMA, you can get three functions in one natural flavor; enhancing sweetness, mouthfeel and flavor.” The sweetener solution has a particular synergy with natural HIS, for example, stevia extracts because it can mask the offtaste and bitterness, cut the sweet linger, build back the lost mouthfeel and can provide desired flavors and aromas such as caramel, honey and citrus, according to the company. STEVIAROMIA is an almost ready-to-use solution and the shortest product development cycle is completed in one month, it says. It also is compliable with FEMA GRAS (The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association generally recognized as safe).

Sweet Green Fields USA LLC
11 Bellwether Way, Suite 305
Bellingham, Wash. 98225