Comexi announced the release of smart glasses with remote connectivity to help reduce machine downtime and greatly improve efficiency, the company says. Available 24/7, the communication system allows for information sharing between field technicians and the support department in real time and vision, the company says. The smart glasses allows the Comexi help desk a real-time view of the customer’s field of vision as well as hands-free video conferencing. Additional benefits include allowing the remote expert use of a red pointer to help and guide field engineers while enabling the help desk to capture and edit a freeze frame of the video call, type notes and send it back to the field engineer. The field engineer is able to view text files with simultaneous translation, images, electrical diagrams, PDF machine planes as well as documents that have been sent from support departments permitting the help desk to share on-screen information with field engineers. The smart glasses with remote connectivity enable customers to connect to the company’s cloud services, a digital platform for the converting sector that offers decision-making tools and streamlines operating tasks, the company says. The cloud also enables customers to access historical data and analyze production through automatic generating, which provides for easy error detection and improvement opportunities. Machine documentation in a digital format also is available, updated and accessible from any device.

Comexi, Avinguda Mas Pins
135 E-17457 Riudellots de la Selva
Girona. Spain