In HBO’s “Game of Thrones” series, various characters have tried to battle their way to claim the Iron Throne using everything from brute force to social cunning. Within the spirits industry, the battle for the throne has been a bit more civilized, but, nonetheless, the alcohol category now has a new king.
Skyy Vodka, a brand of San Francisco, Calif.-based Campari America, launched Skyy Barcraft, a line of cocktail-inspired vodkas in Watermelon Fresca, Margarita Lime and White Sangria varieties.
Bacardi Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda, expanded its portfolio of super-premium spirits with the acquisition of Louisville-based Angel’s Share Brands; its subsidiary, Louisville Distilling Co.; and its Angel’s Envy brand. This deal marks the company’s entry into the bourbon category of the North American whiskey sector.
Beverage brands can use halo from wine, spirits to market brandy
March 24, 2015
In Rabobank's new report about the U.S. brandy market, the New York-based financial services company identifies a clear market gap in what logically should be the segment’s strongest price segment — premium brands. Between the value, low-growth end of the brandy spectrum and the fast-growing, super-premium Cognac end, there is a potential opportunity for spirits companies to tap into the growing appetite for premium spirits among sophisticated, affluent U.S. consumers, it suggests.
Team sponsor to serve cocktails at Kauffman Stadium
March 12, 2015
360 Vodka, a brand of Weston, Mo.-based Earth Friendly Distilling Co., released a limited-edition, commemorative Kansas City Royals bottle just in time for the 2015 baseball season.