Top trends address alternative products, natural formulations
October 21, 2015
As consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers get ready to transition into the 2016 calendar year, Chicago-based Mintel released its “2016 Food & Drink Trends” report. The 12 trends cover a range of topics including eCommerce and natural formulations.
Whenever holidays or birthdays roll around, time sometimes gets the best of me. To save myself the hassle, I find myself turning to the Internet for a quick shopping trip. Before, I only used to shop online for things I couldn’t find in stores, but now it is becoming more the norm for my regular shopping — and I’m not the only one. The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and PwC US 2011 Food, Beverage, and Consumer Products financial performance report “Thriving in a Connected World” indicates that digital transformation is empowering consumers while allowing consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies to manage their enterprises effectively and efficiently to drive growth.