Each year in March, the trucking industry comes together in Louisville, Ky., for its single largest event, the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS). As the industry’s key event, it’s fairly common for the chief executive officers of exhibiting companies to report on recent performance and prognosticate about the year to come.
Greensboro, N.C.-based Volvo Trucks North America, Greensboro, N.C., announced that it has increased the work capacity of its western U.S. locations by 15 percent since January 2010, including the addition of nearly 80 truck service bays, 135 Volvo-certified technicians and nearly a 22 percent increase in parts inventory.
All too often, I find fleet managers who are reluctant to talk about even the most basic details of their operations, generally because they’re afraid they might “give away” an advantage to their competitors.
It is about that time of year again: time to start thinking about — and preparing for — deer-vehicle collision (DVC) season, or as some refer to it, deer-vehicle accident (DVA) season.
Vehicle alignment settings serve a variety of functions in vehicle operation and affect, among other things, handling, steering, stability, performance and safety.