Warranty administration involves the tracking and recovery of all vehicle expenses related to manufacturer recalls and vehicle warranty-covered repairs. Although it can be a time-consuming and complex task, warranty recovery also can be one of the quickest ways to improve a fleet’s operational bottom line.
Within the variety of liftgate styles, each is meant to improve truck loading and unloading, especially when the shipping or receiving location does not have a loading dock, making manual loading and unloading necessary. Liftgates can increase delivery speed, particularly with heavy cargo.
Completed annually, Beverage Industry’s medium- and heavy-duty truck roundup, which consists of Classes 4 through 8, is a compilation of vehicle offerings suited to beverage industry applications. Highlighted as follows is an overview of model year 2012 trucks and selected vehicle specifications.
The critical element in optimizing fleet lifecycle costs is determining vehicle ownership economics and replacement intervals and methods. The process begins with vehicle selection and acquisition, the foundation of which is identifying transportation and operational requirements, then evaluating the best ways of meeting those essentials.
Columnist David Kolman provides insight into the latest telematics, communication systems and mobile resource management solutions. Innovation in trucking is accelerating more and more rapidly these days.
Columnist David Kolman provides information on new truck models and advancements for 2011. Beverage Industry’s annual medium- and heavy-duty truck roundup is a compilation of vehicle offerings suited to beverage industry applications.