Doodles, a next generation media company behind the upcoming animated special “Dullsville and the Doodleverse,” announced an exciting collaboration with AriZona Beverages. Together, they’re launching a limited-edition Doodles-branded Iced Tea with Lemon drink, blending art, nostalgia, and a classic American refreshment. 

The collaboration features AriZona’s 20-ounce Tallboy bottles adorned with a special wrap that combines AriZona’s iconic classic Lemon Tea design with collectible Doodles artwork, available for purchase through Doodles’ and AriZona’s eCommerce platform. Additionally, individual bottles will be stocked at select bodegas in New York City, SoCal, and Miami for a limited time.

Each bottle features a QR code that, when scanned, enters consumers into an exclusive giveaway. The grand prize features a VIP trip to “Dullsville and the Doodleverse” Preview Event in Toronto on Sept. 7.

The AriZona and Doodles’ collaboration transcends the physical product, offering all giveaway entrants a unique AriZona-themed digital wearables for use with Doodles avatars. The strategic partnership showcases both brands’ commitment to quality, innovation, and delivering unparalleled experiences to its communities. 

The giveaway closes Aug. 12 at 11:59 p.m. EST. One entry is permitted per person, and no purchase is necessary to participate.