Shiner Bock introduced its new IPA series, Shiner Tex Hex IPA, beginning with the launch of the flagship Bruja’s Brew, an IPA brewed with cactus water. Bruja’s Brew will be the first of three new IPAs launched under the Tex Hex umbrella in 2022, it says. In addition to being brewed with cactus water, Bruja’s Brew also features Amarillo hops, an ode to the brand’s Texas roots. The beer delivers a hops-forward aroma and flavor that is a mix of citrusy, resinous and tropical, featuring a medley of tangerine, pineapple, citrus and stone fruit, the company says. Shiner also is introducing the character of “La Bruja”, the alchemist, who is prominently featured on Tex Hex cans and packaging. La Bruja is a dark, mysterious shaman who roams the Texas desert gathering ingredients for her otherworldly creations, it states. A 7% ABV craft beer, Tex Hex Bruja’s Brew IPA rolled out in limited distribution in Texas and nationally throughout January with plans for a full-scale launch in the spring. It will be sold in six- and 12-pack cans, with additional formats to come in the future. 

The Gambrinus Co. Shiner, Texas


Distribution: Select markets