In anticipation of the Feb. 14 debut of “CHERRIES WILD,” the primetime game show from FOX Entertainment and Pepsi, the soft drink brand is giving fans a taste of the show’s excitement and drama through a custom CHERRIES WILD mobile app that allows fans to play alongside show contestants in real time and against other viewers at home. For fans that want to brush up on their pop culture trivia skills between each episode, or just want to try their quick luck, the CHERRIES WILD app also offers a virtual slot machine, evergreen multiplayer trivia and instant prizing unlocked by scanning specially marked Pepsi Wild Cherry packaging. “When we started working with FOX Entertainment on ‘CHERRIES WILD,’ we set out to deliver a unique game show that would entertain and engage viewers and fans on a deeper level, complementing the traditional TV experience,” said Todd Kaplan, vice president of marketing at Pepsi, in a statement. “We know our Pepsi consumers believe in the possibility of winning big and are always up for a challenge, so we are giving them an opportunity to win big anytime, anywhere with our new mobile app.”