Summer is in full swing and so are the new product releases. In the most recent Readers’ Choice: New Product of the Month poll for May from Beverage Industry, it looks as though readers are looking “freshen up” their beverage selections.

In the online poll, which ended voting on June 30, Fresh Victor Mixers won with 29 percent of the vote. Aa line of cold-pressed juice-based mixers for making craft cocktails and mocktails, the mixers are available in Mexican Lime & Agave and Cactus Pear & Pomegranate.

Coming in second for the poll was Austin Eastciders Spiked Seltzer with 16 percent of the vote. Spot No. 3 was a tie between Kinderlyte Advanced and Seagram’s Sweet Tea Vodka, which each recorded 11 percent of the vote, respectively.

Voting for the June New Products now is live, so be sure to cast your vote. Voting ends July 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET.