Silgan Closures, Downers Grove, announced the winning concepts of the 2018-2019 Free Closures for a Year Contest. From September 2018 through April 2019, a team of food and packaging experts evaluated all entries against the set contest parameters of uniqueness, marketability and purchase intent. 

The winners of this year’s contest are enterade Advanced Oncology Formula from Massachusetts, and Origin Almond from New Jersey. enterade innovated an amino-based, glucose-free medical food clinically proven to significantly reduce the debilitating GI side effects of chemotherapy and radiation cancer treatment. Origin Almond develops cold-pressed almond juices with significantly less sugar, carbohydrates and calories as traditional fruit juice.

 “We congratulate enterade and Origin Almond for their outstanding submissions and would like to commend all entries into this past year’s contest,” said AJ Miller, director of marketing for Silgan Closures, in a statement. “The team was impressed by all concepts and determining the final winning entries was very challenging. We encourage all entries to re-enter in this year’s competition set to run until March 2020.”   

Both enterade and Origin Almond will receive consumer insights from Datassential, Silgan Closures’ research partner who assisted in evaluating all entries against the company’s famed SCORES consumer ratings system. Both companies also will select their closure of choice from Silgan’s Stock Closure list and receive up to 500,000 of that closure product free of charge for up to one year.  

The Second Annual Free Closures for a Year Contest now is accepting submissions March 31, 2020. For more information on the Free Closures for a Year Contest and to enter a concept, those interested can visit