Roberts PolyPro, a product brand of ProMach, offers an automated can handle applicator for craft beer and spirits: the THA240. The THA240 inline automated applicator applies handles to four-packs or six-packs at a rate of 10 cases a minute. It also works with all the core can types commonly used including slim, sleek and standard sized. The machine features a pneumatic gantry system to pick the handles out and place them on the rim of the cans in an intermittent operation in either six four-pack handles, or four six-pack handles. Other features include: a small footprint, 55-inch-by-70-inch machine with easy-to-use controls; easy switchability between 12-ounce or 16-ounce standard sized cans or handle styles; and minimal change parts when switching from standard cans to slim or sleek-sized cans, the company says. When both sides of the applicator are filled, the machine can continuously operate for 30 minutes before the handle magazines need to be replenished. The four-pack and six-pack HDPE No. 2 handles for the THA240 are available in 32 standard colors and feature an open top design, 100 percent recyclable handles that use as much as 30 percent less plastic, it says. The THA240 applicator can be used to scale up production for off-site distribution in the beer and spirits industry, it adds.

Roberts PolyPro
5416 Wyoming Ave.
Charlotte, N.C. 28273