Dallas-based Koa Organic Beverages launched a Kickstarter campaign July 23 that will run for 28 days. This fundraising initiative is designed to help produce Koa Organic Water locally in towns all across America using seasonal and sustainable vegetation.
“We've supplied Koa to reputable, healthy lifestyle and specialty food retailers in the Dallas area, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Co-Founder Jonathan Rosenberg in a statement. “Gathering additional funding to expand to other local communities is the next step in Koa's evolution.”
Sold at luxury lifestyle locations such as boutique hotels, day spas, and premium yoga and pilates studios, Koa Organic Water is looking to expand its reach into new markets. The beverage is a blend of nine fruit and vegetable juices that have been clarified, the company says. The water has zero calories; no sugar; is colorless, tasteless, or odorless; and contains nutritional attributes from its various juice sources, it says.
Koa retails for $4.99 a bottle, and the company offers a limited-edition 15-bottle case, available only online, for $59.99.
For more information about Koa Organic Beverages' Kickstarter campaign, visit www.koakickstarter.com.