Focus on Central America
In Central America, manufacturers often design snacking products to appeal to the “need states” of teenagers, including the search for fun, the desire for maturity and individuality. Hershey Foods Corp. has applied a sense of fun with its new Bratz Leche. Launched in Mexico, the flavored-milk drink is targeted at tweens and young teenage girls, highlighted by the fact that it is presented in a carton emblazoned with a Bratz cartoon character. The milk comes in Piña Colada flavor, a flavor more often associated as a cocktail, which could make it appeal to another need state: teens’ desire for maturity.
In addition, PepsiCo released Power Punch, a
non-carbonated beverage that comes in a Grape, Mandarin, Guava and
Strawberry flavors in PET bottles and Tetra wedge packaging.
Datamonitor believes the flavor choices appeals to teens’ desire for novelty. The product name
suggests it is being positioned as an energy drink, a market that has
recently been growing in Mexico; energy drinks accounted for 9 percent of
beverage launches between August 2005 and August 2006, up from 6 percent
during the same period the previous year.
Source: Datamonitor, New York, Teen & Tween Trends / Young Adults' Lifestyles & Social
Trends reports.