R&D News
U.S. Flavors & Fragrances Inc., Wauconda, Ill., is changing its name to Synergy to reflect the last step in the company’s multimillion dollar business realignment that began with last year’s sale of its fragrance business.
“The name change also reflects a formal
alignment with the rest of the flavor-related businesses of its parent, the
Carbery Group,” said Roderick Sowders, president and chief executive
officer. “As part of this group, USF&F has expanded access to
technical resources and products on an international scale.”
The new name will encompass U.S. Flavors &
Fragrances, Synergy Flavours (UK), and Customblend Ingredients (UK), as
well as Carbery savory flavors and enhancements.
Astaris LLC, St. Louis,
has broken ground on a new technical center in the St. Louis suburb of
Webster Groves. The facility will feature a laboratory and interactive
center with areas dedicated to applications research, food formulation
development, phosphate compound synthesis and analytical support.
“The dedicated communications center will enable
us to train customers, allied suppliers and sale specialists on the novel
features of phosphate salts and acidulants and demonstrate performance. The
product-based development areas will allow phosphate experts and food
scientists to work side by side with customers throughout all phases of new
food product development or improving existing brands,” said Paul
Howes, chief executive officer and president of Astaris, in a statement.
Palatinit GmbH, Mannheim,
Germany, announced its Palatinose functional carbohydrate has been approved
by the European Commission for use in the European Union in all foods and
beverages. The ingredient has received Generally Regarded as Safe status.
Also known as isomaltulose, Palatinose is a unique sugar that can help
reduce the glycemic and insulin response of foods.
Chilean President Ricardo Lagos recently visited the
construction site of Orafti’s processing plant in San Pedro, Chile. The factory
represents an investment of 165 million euros and will produce
Orafti’s Raftiline inulin and Raftilose oligofructose made from the
chicory root. Lagos said the project shows, “the seriousness of Chile
toward foreign investment and the advantages of the free trade agreements
Chile has subscribed.”
A&B Ingredients,
Fairfield, N.J., will represent the products of Duas Rodas, Jaragua do Sul, Brazil, in
North America. Duas Rodas produces tropical extracts and organic banana
products, with operations throughout South and Central America and Africa.
Treatt USA, Lakeland,
Fla., has purchased 6.5 acres of industrial property, including 11,375
square feet of office space and a warehouse building in Lakeland. The
company says the new space initially will be used for material storage,
with longer term potential for increasing efficiency and customer service.
The Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition (JIFSAN) at the University of
Maryland unveiled a new food safety training program designed to improve
the quality of food entering the United States. The program will be
implemented by the JohnsonDiversity International Food Safety Initiative,
and will expand current food safety in countries exporting food to
the United States. Sessions will target trainers, who will then work with
food producers, exporters, regulators, academics and educators.
FONA International,
Geneva, Ill., has named Robert Sanza vice president of order fulfillment, responsible for
developing order fulfillment as a strategic business unit within the
Jennifer Czerner has been
selected as technical business manager for Frutarom
USA Inc., North Bergen, N.J., working with the
functional food team in the United States and Switzerland.