Grey Goose Entertainment will air its new television series, "Rising Icons," next week on BET Networks. The series follows the company's "Iconoclasts" series, which began in 2005 and runs on the Sundance Channel. The new series will focus on musical artists, and the first season will include eight 30-minute episodes featuring Chrisette Michele, Hal Linton, Keri Hilson, Kid Cudi, Melanie Fiona, Ryan Leslie, The-Dream, and Wale. According to the company, each episode chronicles the artists' lives both at home and on the road with candid commentary on the artists' motivation and inspiration.
"This groundbreaking series is a testament to the sophisticated quality and innovation that our discerning audience has come to expect from Grey Goose," said Shane M. Graber, vice president and managing director for Grey Goose Vodka, in a statement. "The 'Rising Icons' program will connect with our audience by creating a unique, exclusive association with an ever growing list of today's talented newcomers and tomorrow's icons."
The TV series will run concurrent with the "Rising Icons" Concert Tour, which spotlights local talent in cities across America.