Fort Collins, Colo.'s Odell Brewing Co. broke ground on a new expansion that will include more manufacturing and office space, as well as tap room facilities.
“While we are expanding capacity, we are really viewing this as an investment in innovation in both style and process,” said brewery owner Wynne Odell.
Not only will the brewery gain space, but it also will improve its creative brewing processes with investments such as a single-serve packaging line and a new barrel aging cellar, the company says. The brewery also has incorporated environmentally friendly installations in its plans. It will feature a roof-mounted photovoltaic system that will generate enough energy to meet approximately one-third of the brewery’s summer daily peak demand.
Solar tubes in the brewery’s new warehouse will provide natural lighting, and a day-lighting system will turn off light fixtures when natural light is sufficient. The brewery will also include a water recovery system in its bottling line that will capture clean rinse water and use it for landscape irrigation.
In addition to the building, the brewery will include improvements to its parking, shipping and overall landscaping. Drought-resistant plants will be used throughout the landscaping, and porous pavers will be used in the parking lot to minimize rain runoff. Odell expects to complete the expansion in early 2010.