The Coca-Cola Co. announced it will introduce a new plant-based plastic bottle dubbed the “PlantBottle.” The new bottle is fully recyclable, and is partially made from sugar cane and molasses. It uses about 30 percent plant materials, with the remainder made from petroleum-based plastic.
“The PlantBottle is a significant development in sustainable packaging innovation,” said Muhtar Kent, chairman and chief executive officer, in a statement. “It builds on our legacy of environmental ingenuity and sets the course for us to realize our vision to eventually introduce bottles made with materials that are 100 percent recyclable and renewable.”
Coca-Cola says a lifecycle analysis conducted by Imperial College of London indicates the PlantBottle reduces carbon emissions by up to 25 percent, compared with petroleum-based PET. It also can be processed through existing manufacturing and recycling facilities without contaminating traditional PET. In addition to sugar and molasses, the company says it is exploring other plant materials for future versions of the package.
Coca-Cola North America will pilot the PlantBottle with Dasani and carbonated soft drink brands in select markets later this year, and with Vitaminwater in 2010.