Premium spirits company Milestone Brands LLC, Austin, Texas, announced the acquisition of American Born Moonshine from Nashville, Tenn.-based Windy Hill Spirits. Milestone Brands LLC, which also recently acquired Dulce Vida Tequila, was formed in February by Eric Dopkins, former chief executive officer of Deep Eddy Vodka, and Chad Auler, co-founder of Deep Eddy Vodka.
Although it might not look it outside, if you are in the Midwest or Northeast, summer isn’t too far away. In anticipation of summer activities and the food and beverages that accompany many of them, beverage-makers have started rolling out new products to complement the season. And it looks as though the readers of Beverage Industry are excited for some new summer flavors.
In Beverage Industry’s 2015 New Product Development Outlook study, 18 percent of respondents named cinnamon as a top-selling flavor for2015. Although we are early into the new year, it seems as those the readers of the magazine are carrying that assessment in their voting records.
Moonshine brand goes orange to support University of Tennessee
October 16, 2014
Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine is showing its school spirit for the University of Tennessee football team by showcasing the school’s colors on its packaging.
As the “Field of Dreams” saying goes, “If you build it, he will come.” Beverage Industry gave those words their own spin when it launched its first monthly new product poll to let readers tell us what was their favorite new product. Garnering 31 percent of the votes and taking the honor for April was American Born Moonshine.