Our new classifieds ad package includes custom placement in our updated digital edition magazine classifieds section and on our website. With simple text and image options, you can take advantage of our direct audience and searches on the web.
Classified Ads on Beverage Industry start at $270.00. For more customized options or for questions contact Steve Pintarelli @ pintarellis@bnpmedia.com or by phone at 949-600-8092. or fill out the below form to get more information and start your ad.
Video Classified
A Video Classified has all of the elements of a Featured Classified, but the actual classified ad itself will showcase a short video at the top of the ad in place of the image.
Featured Classified
Featured on our home page; top of classifieds page online and premium positioning in Digital edition
Image Classified
Text Only Classified
To get started using the form, please fill out the fields below:
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