In the world of science fiction, fantasy and mythology, shape shifters have the ability to take on the appearance of another person, creature or entity.
The drug store channel showed higher-than-average growth last year with unit sales increasing 2.2 percent versus a retail industry average decline of 0.6 percent in food, drug, convenience and mass merchandise stores, excluding Walmart, according to Susan Viamari, consumer insights expert at Chicago-based SymphonyIRI Group.
On the production line, beverage packages face multiple obstacles, such as chipped or broken glass, deformed plastic, mis-seamed cans, over- or under-filling, incorrect labeling, leaking, contamination, and misapplied caps and closures, to name a few defects.
In the foodservice channel, 46.8 percent of companies are in the quick-service restaurant business, according to the 2012 Chain Restaurant Report published by Chain Store Publishing Corp.
A study of mice with Type 2 diabetes found that a significant amount of coffee consumption could help protect against memory loss associated with advanced diabetes, as well as reduce weight gain and lower blood sugar levels, according to a May 10 article published in New York Daily News.