To stay competitive in the beverage world, multiple factors need to be considered. Is your product filling a need? Is it well received? Are you producing it in the most cost-efficient way possible? How’s the delivery?
A timely topic for a safety meeting is about working in excessive heat and humidity. The reason being is workers need to take special precautions because such weather conditions can result in a variety of adverse health effects, from discomfort to serious illness, and even death. The body reacts to heat by increasing the blood flow to the skin’s surface and by sweating. This results in cooling as sweat evaporates from the body’s surface and heat is carried to the surface of the body from within by the increased blood flow. Heat also can be lost by radiation and convection from the body’s surface.
It’s hard to imagine many jobs as unpleasant as dealing with scrap tires. Most fleets store, pile or throw scrap tires somewhere behind the maintenance shop.
The Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) marked its 40th anniversary this year with 1,039 exhibitors and nearly 76,200 attendees March 31-April 2 in Louisville, Ky. The show covered 1.2 million square feet at the Kentucky Expo Center with outdoor displays and “Ride-N-Drive” events.
With companies watching their expenses, distributors are trying to make their equipment last as long as possible. They are repairing rather than replacing whenever possible, including with their hand trucks and carts.
With the goal to get products out the door as quickly and efficiently as possible, bottlers and distributors would like to keep the line moving effectively so they can focus their attention to the numerous other tasks at hand.
Keeping pace with updates in technology presents an ongoing challenge. The advent of faster computer processors, smartphones and portable devices with more computing power has revolutionized personal and business connectivity.