Just like the Secret Intelligence Service wouldn’t send James Bond on a mission without the best gadgets, distribution managers need to ensure that their sales and distribution representatives in the field are equipped with all of the tools to get the job done.
As diesel prices continue to hover near $4 a gallon, it’s more important than ever for fleets to get the most out of every last drop of fuel purchased at the lowest possible cost.
Since nearly the dawn of the automotive age, many “alternative” fuels have been tried, but virtually all have come up lacking when compared with petroleum-based diesel and gasoline.
All too often, I find fleet managers who are reluctant to talk about even the most basic details of their operations, generally because they’re afraid they might “give away” an advantage to their competitors.
If workers are adversely affected by their work due to poor quality job design and working conditions, or are injured on the job, there will be an adverse cost to the employer as well as to the individual worker.