Within the variety of liftgate styles, each is meant to improve truck loading and unloading, especially when the shipping or receiving location does not have a loading dock, making manual loading and unloading necessary. Liftgates can increase delivery speed, particularly with heavy cargo.
Maintaining engine lubricating oil is a very important element in stretching the productive life of vehicle engines. Often referred to as the life blood of the engine, the oil circulates through the engine, performing critical functions necessary to maintain engine performance and maximize useful service life.
Vehicle repair and maintenance is only as good as the knowledge and skills of the technicians that perform the work. Consequently, the more successful fleets and maintenance operations invest in continuous training for their technicians to help them keep up with new vehicle technology and diagnostic and repair equipment. Fleet’s technicians can take part in TMCSuperTech, a national technician skills competition dedicated to both honoring technician professionalism and acknowledging the best of the best.