The U.S. trucking industry continues to face a significant challenge: a shortage of drivers. As older drivers retire, fewer younger individuals are entering the profession. The industry is exploring several solutions to address this issue.
The signing of California AB-2316 and AB-418 have placed greater interest on natural color solutions as beverage manufacturers consider impact of state’s legislation.
To gain a place in fleet operations, electric vehicles need the charging infrastructure to support this switch. The federal government as well as truck manufacturers are working to build up this support system.
As the ELD mandate took effect in late 2019, beverage distributors were quick to adopt telematics solutions, which have seen benefits go beyond compliance.
Much has changed in the beverage landscape as a result of COVID-19. As craft distilleries grapple with shuttered tasting rooms and falling sales, owners report that reopening and sustaining business in this climate isn’t looking bright.
With guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) and exemptions and authorizations granted by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), many spirits-makers are helping to manufacture ethanol-based hand sanitizer.
At a time when the divisive nature of the United States is receiving much attention, it seems as though we have found a topic that both sides can agree upon: craft beer. In late January, the Craft Beer Modernization and Tax Reform Act was introduced in both chambers of Congress with bipartisan support.