JUST water recently launched six-packs of its responsibly sourced and packaged 100 percent spring water, which now is available at Stop & Shop in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey, the company says. Released in response to consumer demand, the new six-pack features a light blue recyclable case and is available for a suggested retail price of $6.29, it adds.
With awards-show season upon us, many consumers are eagerly awaiting to hear which shows, movies, actors, directors and more will take home the coveted prizes. For the readers of Beverage Industry, the wait is over.
Who’s thirsty out there? It looks like the readers of Beverage Industry as they voted and named JUST Water as the Readers’ Choice New Product of the Month poll winner for November.
Icebox Water, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., announces the launch of its new initiative, Beyond the Bottle. The initiative is committed to educating all people on the importance of personal and planetary health, supported by Icebox Water’s pure, sustainably sourced drinking water and environmentally responsible packaging, the company says. By providing consistently updated information about the state of the environment and healthy, sustainable water sourcing, Icebox Water demonstrates the need for reducing plastic pollution while providing an ethical, delicious source of water, it adds.
Noah's Spring Water, Chicago, has added the Rexam 24-ounce Cap Can with closure technology from Dayton Systems Group (DSG) to its packaging mix, becoming the only bottled water available in a re-sealable aluminum container, the company says.
During the fourth quarter of 2014, SCC Partners Group LLC plans to release Vaspen still and sparkling waters sourced from the Sweetwater Lake Spring in Colorado’s Sweetwater Canyon.