Beverage Industry

(Image courtesy of Caribe Juice)

Caribe Juice’s WTRMLN ADE

June 25, 2024

Caribe Juice, makers of WTRMLN WTR, announced the launch of WTRMLN ADE, a clean cold-pressed ultra-hydrating lemonade that harnesses the superpower of real watermelon.

Available in three flavors — Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade and Limeade — each 12-ounce bottle packs 600 mg or more of electrolytes and touts 100% daily value of vitamin C, no added sugar, and half the calories and sugar of traditional lemonade, the company says.

“Everyone loves the taste of watermelon, but many consumers do not realize that watermelon is naturally packed with extraordinary amounts of electrolytes, especially potassium, as well as l-citrulline, an amino acid that aids in muscle recovery post-workout, and lycopene, an antioxidant powerhouse,” said Luis Solis, CEO of Caribe Juice, in a statement. “Having just wrapped up our second year in a row of double-digit growth, now is the perfect time to lean into WTRMLN momentum with new innovation.”

Caroline Kibler, chief marketing officer at Caribe Juice, added: “For years, consumers have been sharing with us their liquid love of WTRMLN WTR both for its remarkably delicious and real taste, but also for its superior hydration benefits — consuming WTRMLN WTR after a hard workout, as a wellness tonic during illness, or even as a morning fixer after an indulgent night. 

“WTRMLN ADE brings the hydration superpower of watermelon to a category that consumers love but have been walking away from due to the lack of healthful options,” Kibler continued. “As we looked for a category ripe for disruption, lemonade made sense not only as a popular sports drink flavor profile, but also because peak lemonade season is in summer when consumers need all day replenishment the most.”

Starting in September, WTRMLNADE will be available in retailers such as Target, Stop & Shop, and Whole Foods, as well as regional accounts throughout the Northeast and West Coast, the company says.