Beverage Industry
Oliver Winery
(Image courtesy of Oliver Winery and Vineyards)

Oliver Winery’s Soft Wine Collection debuts new labels

March 15, 2021

With the goal of expanding retail distribution and inviting more consumers to explore its range of fruit-forward wines, Oliver Winery and Vineyards engaged Affinity Creative to carefully and delicately evolve the look of its The Soft Collection line of wines. “Through a category audit, we determined that it was not only okay to identify the wines as ‘Sweet Red’ or ‘Sweet Rosé’; the consumer actually preferred and appreciated this straightforward communication of flavor profile,” said Cynthia Sterling, creative director at Affinity Creative Group, in a statement. The Affinity creative team made several other adjustments and embellishments to the label design. Close inspection of the “after” label reveals a new order to the information shown, or what designers call the “label hierarchy.” Now, there is increased attention on the Oliver brand mark along with a supporting line describing this grouping as The Soft Wine Collection. Affinity Creative Group designers also shifted the location of the fruit so that the label no longer is top-heavy, allowing the Oliver name to take center stage, it says. The addition of copper foil treatments adds a glimmer effect that catches the light, serves as a quality cue and increases shelf impact in the retail environment, it adds. The elimination of the torn or deckled edge on the bottom of the previous labels helps project a fresher, cleaner and more modern impression, it says.