Beverage Industry
Shadow Monk

Cannabiniers Shadow Monk

December 30, 2019

Cannabiniers announced the portfolio expansion of its cannabis-infused craft beer, Two Roots, with the release of its winter seasonal style, Shadow Monk. An abbey beer originally developed by Belgium monks, Shadow Monk is brewed and offered as a non-alcoholic, THC-infused craft beer in the United States. Two Roots’ Shadow Monk is a Belgian dubbel that’s brewed with specialty malts, dark “candi” sugars and yeast to give it a medium body. Following the history of abbey ale, Shadow Monk has notes of dark caramel, date, pear, bubble gum and citrus flavors. It is available for a suggested retail price of $8 per 10-ounce can, and also is available in four-packs.

Two Roots
 San Diego
Distribution: Select markets