Beverage Industry
DuPont offers its new Delrin acetal homopolymer with advanced slip technology, which eliminates lubricants and reduces line cleaning to promote sustainable bottling operations, according to the company.
(Image courtesy of DuPont)

New technology from DuPont eliminates conveyor lubricants

e-F.A.S.T. promotes sustainable bottling operations

September 16, 2019

DuPont offers its new Delrin acetal homopolymer with advanced slip technology, which eliminates lubricants and reduces line cleaning to promote sustainable bottling operations, according to the company. The Regina Chain’s e-F.A.S.T. material benefits conveyors used in high-speed, dry-running bottling operations because it eliminates the need for traditional external lubricants and other filling operations, the company says. The elimination of dust-collecting lubricants minimizes the need to wash the conveyor, reducing water usage and avoiding wastewater disposal issues. Because of its constant low coefficient of friction (COF), the e-F.A.S.T. technology also lowers the amount of energy needed to run a conveyor, the company says. Developed in close collaboration with Regina Chain, a leader in conveyor chains, belts and components, the e-F.A.S.T. (ecological friction abating sliding thermoplastic) material avoids the need for traditional external lubricants used during bottling and other filling operations. By delivering a higher slip COF, e-F.A.S.T. allows bottles to move smoothly while reducing wear and tear and maximizing throughput. Industry 4.0 technologies allow bottlers to adopt high-speed, high-volume operations, which has further sharpened interest in the adoption of e-F.A.S.T, according to the company.

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200 Powder Mill Road
Wilmington, Del. 19803