Schubert unveils new lightline series for case packing and erecting
Preconfigured machines handle define product and packaging formats
At ProFood Tech in Chicago, Schubert North America showcased its growing portfolio of products and services ranging from high-end packaging machines for complex jobs to its new lightline series for handling standard packaging applications with ease and efficiency. The lightline series consists of three machine types: Cartonpacker, which takes on the role of a classic case packer when erecting, filling and closing cartons; the Pickerline, designed to pick up and place products in trays; and the Flowpacker, which packs products in flowpacks in conjunction with the Pickerline. Key features include the ability to master standardized packaging tasks with great efficiency and high quality, the company says. In addition, customers now have a greater choice between freely configurable machines with extensive degrees of freedom, which are tailored to individual customer requirements, and cost-attractive preconfigured machines from the new lightline series with defined product and packaging formats, the company says. At the tradeshow, the company also demonstrated its state-of-the-art automation packaging technology by having a machine frame equipped with a four-axis pick-and-place robot assemble 3-D printed miniature Schubert machine frames.
Schubert North America
8848 Red Oak Blvd., Suite H
Charlotte, N.C. 28217