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NWNA facilities achieve AWS certification

Company to implement AWS Standard in all facilities by 2025

November 21, 2018

Nestlé Waters North America (NWNA), Stamford, Conn., announced that its Allentown, Pa., factories received certification under the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard. Created and supported by environmental conservation groups, development organizations and industry leaders, the AWS Standard is the first comprehensive global benchmark for responsible water stewardship across social, environmental, and economic criteria, the company says. This achievement was confirmed through audits conducted by SCS Global Services (SCS), a leading international third-party certification body, and sole certifier to the AWS standard in North America.

NWNA has committed to implementing the AWS Standard at all of its factories around the world by 2025. With the Allentown AWS certification, the company has so far certified 11 Nestlé Waters factories, including seven in North America, it says.

AWS provides a platform for organizations to identify shared water challenges within the watershed where their facilities are located. Facilities demonstrate conformance to the AWS Standard under four key categories: Good Water Governance, Sustainable Water Balance, Good Water Quality Status and Healthy Status of Important Water-Related Areas.

“Water is a shared resource, and the AWS Standard has given us a common language and approach to work with others to address these issues that impact all of us as water users,” said Mike Franceschetti, Allentown factory manager, in a statement. “The AWS process has helped us better understand how we are using water inside our factory and has given us a greater appreciation for the positive impact we can have outside of our four walls, by more effectively working together with the local community.” BI