Beverage Industry
Blakes FIDO Cider

FIDO Hard Cider

November 14, 2018

Blake’s Hard Cider released its newest product and the second installment in their Kinder Cider Series: FIDO Hard Cider. The newest hard cider features fermented homegrown raspberries, conditioned with grapefruit peels and dry-hopped with locally grown Michigan Chinook and cascade hops. FIDO was made in support of the non-profit, Pets for Patriots, an organization in 41 states that works with shelter animals and veterans, the company says. The 6.8 percent alcohol-by-volume hard cider is available at the Blake’s Farms tasting room, as well as in select markets through Feb. 1.


Blake’s Hard Cider Co., Armada, Mich.

Telephone: 586/784-9463


Distribution: Select markets