
Community Iced Latte Coffee Drinks
October 30, 2018
Community Coffee Co. launched a new line of ready-to-drink (RTD) iced lattes: Community Iced Latte Coffee in Vanilla and Mocha. The RTD coffees are crafted with Community’s signature blend dark roast coffee and sweetened with pure cane sugar, the company says. Like the rest of Community’s portfolio, the iced lattes are made with 100 percent Arabica coffee beans and contain zero artificial flavors or coloring, it adds. Community Iced Latte Coffee Drinks are available in select markets for a suggested retail price of $2.99 for a 13.7-ounce bottle.
Community Coffee Co., Baton Rouge, La.
Telephone: 800/884-5282
Internet: www.communitycoffee.com
Distribution: Select markets