Topo Chico joins Coca-Cola’s VEB unit
Sparkling mineral water brand accelerates company’s evolution, it says
According to an article on Atlanta-based The Coca-Cola Co.’s Coca-Cola Journey website, the company acquired Topo Chico, a premium sparkling mineral water. Topo Chico joins The Coca-Cola Co.’s Venturing & Emerging Brands (VEB) unit, it states.
Topo Chico will continue to be imported from the natural source in Cerro del Topo Chico in northern Mexico, where it has been bottled since 1895.
In an interview with Matt Hughes, vice president of emerging brands and incubation for the VEB unit, Coca-Cola Journey reported that Topo Chico currently is sold in Northern Mexico and in 35 states across the United States, with approximately 70 percent of sales coming from Texas. Hughes added: “Our goal now is to extend its reach while preserving its heritage.”