Water resonates around the world
Nestlé Waters survey reveals trends
Clean drinking water is something most Americans take for granted. Yet, there have been many disasters throughout the years — the 2004 Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and, more recently, the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Mich. — which have called the safety of drinking water into question.
Because many countries do not have access to safe drinking water, an item from LIFESAVER piqued my interest. Designed to filter out bacteria and viruses from any water source, LIFESAVER uses patented nano-filtration technology to make even the muddiest water drinkable, the company says. Created by Michael Pritchard, a water-treatment expert from Ipswich, England, each 750-ml bottle is capable of delivering as many as 1,585 gallons of clean, drinkable water.
Additionally, Mist2 unveiled an innovative two-in-one “cool” water bottle with a misting cap at the International Bottled Water Association’s conference last November in Nashville, Tenn. The product, which currently is undergoing licensing, enables consumers to “mist” themselves and/or use the bottle for drinking.
Water also remains a go-to beverage around the world as evidenced by a survey of 3,500 consumers across seven countries, including the United States. Conducted by Nestlé Waters North America and Kantar TNS, the survey revealed similarities and differences in how people stay hydrated throughout the day. (See graphic on this page).
For example, 88 percent of Americans drink water when they get up and 72 percent drink water in the car, which is more than the global average of 65 percent, it notes. Consumers chose bottled water as their No. 1 daily beverage in the United States (51 percent), Italy (81 percent) and Mexico (70 percent); however, those in Turkey, the United Kingdom and France listed hot beverages as No. 1.
Whether water is used for drinking or to stay cool, it’s likely that we will continue to enjoy cool, refreshing water.