Beverage Industry
Amanda Del Buono

Beverage holidays encourage social media marketing

Tea Council of USA holds photo sharing sweepstakes on Twitter

February 15, 2017

Scrolling through Facebook nowadays can sometimes seem like scrolling through a virtual cookbook, with video recipes appearing in almost every other post. As consumers have gained a greater interest in their health and wellness, a “foodie” lifestyle also has gained traction in the United States. With this, food- and beverage-inspired holidays have exploded whether it’s National Green Juice Day Day (Jan. 26) or World Water Day (March 22), inspiring clever marketing and increased consumption.

Taking it a step further, some beverages have full months devoted to them. For example, last month was National Hot Tea Month, with National Hot Tea Day landing on Jan. 12.

Marketers have been able to utilize these pseudo holidays to craft unique cocktails, create social media buzz and much more. This year, the Tea Council of the USA encouraged celebration with the release of its IndividualiTEA Photo Sharing Sweepstakes. Through Jan. 31, consumers had the chance to win $500 and a year’s supply of tea by sharing a photo or a short explanation of the unique ways, times or places that they enjoy their favorite tea on Twitter with the hashtag #IndividualiTEA and tag @TeaCouncil.

Encouraging consumers to buy a bottle or brew up a cup of tea and take a selfie to share on social media, the program offered an opportunity for consumption as well. Additionally, the Tea Council used the month as an opportunity to educate consumers about tea’s various countries of origin.

Utilizing these pseudo holidays can be a great way to gain communication with consumers, especially via social media. Consumers, most notably millennials and Generation Z, are excited to share what they’re eating and drinking, fostering a great opportunity to connect.