Beverage Industry
Suja Vinegars

Suja Organic Drinking Vinegars

October 7, 2016

Suja Juice Co. launched a new line of functional drinking vinegars exclusively in Wholefoods Markets stores nationwide. Made with organic apple cider vinegar and cold-pressed fruits and vegetables, each bottle contains more than 4 billion colony-forming units of live vegan probiotics, the company says. Suja Drinking Vinegars contain 20 to 30 calories and 3 to 6 grams of naturally occurring sugar in each bottle, it adds. The new lineup is available in five flavors: Hibiscus Ancho Chile, Strawberry Balsamic, Peach Ginger, Cucumber Ginger and Lemon Cayenne. A single-serve, 13.5-ounce bottle retails for $2.99.

Suja Juice Co., San Diego
Distribution: National