Beverage Industry
Beverage News

Company releases hemp energy drink

Kona Gold’s new beverage to join retail outlets in coming weeks

August 16, 2016

Rockledge, Fla.-based Kona Gold Solutions Inc., a hemp lifestyle brand, announced that its new hemp-infused energy drink has hit the market and now is available for purchase online. 

Over the past several months, the company has been developing a hemp energy drink that features a blend of organic hemp protein and is packed with omega-3s, -6sand -9s as well as an abundance of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, it says.

Kona Gold's new hemp energy drink is available for immediate purchase on the company's website. Within the coming weeks, the hemp energy drink will be available via Amazon Prime and at retail outlets that currently carry Kona Gold products, which include beverage stores, convenience stores, liquor stores and head shops, it adds.

“We set out to create not only a hemp energy drink that tastes amazing, but one with the perfect blend of the highest quality organic hemp protein, and our team has accomplished just that,” said Robert Clark, chief executive officer of Kona Gold Solutions Inc., in a statement. “We are a hemp lifestyle company, and from the beginning, we knew we wanted to create something special. Our new hemp energy drink is just that. We have created the best-tasting hemp energy drink on the market, and I can't wait until our consumers get it in their hands. This is an exciting day for Kona Gold, our shareholders, our partners and our customers.”