Beverage Industry
Noah Cap Can

Noah’s Spring Water introduces new environmentally friendly packaging

New aluminum cap can available in California

July 8, 2015

Noah's Spring Water, Chicago, has added the Rexam 24-ounce Cap Can with closure technology from Dayton Systems Group (DSG) to its packaging mix, becoming the only bottled water available in a re-sealable aluminum container, the company says.

Noah's Spring Water comes from Adobe Springs in California, has a natural 8.4pH quality and contains110 mg. of magnesium in each liter, according to the company. Researchers have found that magnesium is an essential mineral that provides substantial health benefits, it adds.

Noah's chose the Rexam Cap Can because it provides an environmentally friendly option for bottled water consumers as it is 100 percent recyclable, it says. It also gives municipalities, educational and corporate campuses that have banned plastic containers another option. The cap can features a unique re-sealable cap that makes it reusable, and the aluminum keeps the water cold longer.

"There are so many reasons why this Rexam package just makes sense for our unique spring water," said Tony J. Varni, president of Varni Brothers Corp., Noah's parent company, in a statement. "It provides a generous 24-ounce portion that is re-sealable so it can be taken on the go and reused. Refillable aluminum bottles can cost anywhere from $5 to $20, and they don't come with anything inside of them. This Noah's Spring Water retails for under $2, and it contains the best natural spring water available."

Rexam's Cap Can provides an ideal canvas to showcase Noah's Spring Water brand, with a label that highlights its attributes and features bold blues with bright, contrasting white, yellow and silver highlights for a clean, attractive and identifiable look from all sides of the container, the company says.

The package is made by combining Rexam's 24-ounce can body with Cap Can closure technology. The aluminum can body is produced and printed on one of Rexam's high-speed can manufacturing lines and then transformed into a re-sealable container by seaming on a Cap Can end and closure developed by DSG. Located in Miamisburg, Ohio, DSG developed this patented concept, including the forming process and equipment technology to manufacture the Cap Can closure assembly.

"Our Cap Can is a truly innovative package that gives Noah's a great opportunity to expand its reach and target additional consumers," said Claude Marbach, president of Rexam Beverage Can North America, in a statement. "It combines re-sealability with superior recyclability making it the ideal choice for those looking for an alternative to traditional bottled water. This is a great partnership, and we look forward to helping Noah's strengthen its brand and grow its business."

Noah's Spring Water in Rexam Cap Cans is available at select retailers in northern California, with plans to expand across the country.