The Coca-Cola Co. announces return of Share a Coke campaign
Personalized packaging to include four times as many names as last year
Atlanta-based TheCoca-Cola Co. is bringing back its Share a Coke campaign this summer following a successful run last year. Beginning this week, the company will once again swap out its iconic logo on 20-ounce bottles of Coca-Cola, Diet Cokeand Coca-Cola Zerofor 1,000 of the most popular names in the country, quadrupling the number of names featured in 2014, the company says.
For consumers who are not able to find their names, or enough of a particular name, on store shelves, the company will deliver Share a Coke bottles to their doorstep, it says. In addition, this year The Coca-Cola Co. will offer an e-commerce site where fans can personalize and purchase 8-ounce, glass Share a Coke bottles individually or in six-packs.
“The return of Share a Coke brings four times as many names, twice as many packaging options and countless more opportunities for people to connect over a Coke,” said Evan Holod, Coca-Cola brand director for Coca-Cola North America, in a statement. “We took inspiration from our most loyal fans and created more opportunities for people to get involved, make Share a Coke their own, and create new memories with an ice-cold, delicious Coca-Cola.”
Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero logos also will be replaced with group names like “Class of 2015,” “Team” and “Family” on 1.25- and 2-liter bottles and 12-ounce cans will feature colloquial nicknames like “Sis,” “Bro,” “Better Half,” “Sidekick” and “Favorite.”
Share a Coke packaging also will extend to 8-ounce glass bottles and aluminum bottles, which will feature more nicknames like “Grad,” “Hero” and “Bestie,” as well as mini cans, which will feature nicknames and emoticons.
Sharing also will come to life through Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain dispensers, which will offer three limited-time Share a Coke mixes called “BFF,” “VIP” and “Legend.” All three flavors are available on the dispenser home screen, and consumers who use the Coca-Cola Freestyle app will be able to unlock a secret fourth mix, the company says.
The company is supporting the Share a Coke campaign through a nationwide advertising and marketing campaign, including an 11-week program featuring TV commercials, cinema ads, social and digital engagement, and experiential engagements from coast to coast. For example, consumers who use the campaign hashtag #ShareaCoke to celebrate stories and share photos will have the chance to be featured on Coca-Cola billboards in their geographic area.
The Coca-Cola Co. also will take Share a Coke on the road this summer with more than 600 tour stops across the country where the company will customize more than 1 million Coca-Cola, Diet Coke or Coca-Cola Zero mini cans for consumers.