Beverage Industry
Woodchuck Amber 16 oz. can

Woodchuck grows Amber hard cider to 16-ounce cans

March 14, 2014

 Woodchuck Hard Cider is adding another package size for its flagship Amber cider. The brand recently added a 16-ounce can for Woodchuck Amber, following theWoodchuck Amber 16 oz. can success of its 12-ounce cans, which were released in 2012. The 12-ounce package has seen growth of 42 percent during the last year, it says. However, consumers were requesting the can format in a larger size, so Woodchuck Hard Cider answered the call. “The Amber can has been a great success for us,” said Bret Williams, president and chief executive officer of Woodchuck, in a statement. “It allows for our cider to be available no matter the circumstance. The cider category is rapidly growing, and to be able to offer fans a 16-ounce version of our classic red Woodchuck can is really exciting.” The new Woodchuck Amber 16-ounce cans are available in four-packs as well as single cans and will be targeted toward the convenience channel.