
Oskar Blues gets the ‘Royal’ treatment
May 15, 2013
or ‘Stovepipe’ as we call it, is a perfect package for Mama’s Little Yella Pils,” said Chad Melis, marketing director for Oskar Blues Brewery, in a statement.
“With the success last year of Dale’s Pale Ale in the Royal Pint, putting the gently hopped and low-alcohol [5.3 percent alcohol by volume] Mama’s in the larger, easily recyclable can was a natural progression, and it allows our consumers to take it places glass can’t go.” The new Royal Pint will feature the same signature graphics as the Mama’s Little Yella Pils 12-ounce aluminum can but with the height of a 24-ounce can and the diameter of a 16-ounce can, according to the company.