
Simply Orange and Simply Lemonade blends
March 19, 2013
The Coca-Cola Co. added three new varieties to its Simply brand of juice drinks. Simply Orange with Tangerine and Simply Orange with Banana join the Simply Orange blend family, which already includes Mango and Pineapple varieties. Simply Lemonade with Blueberry joins the Simply Lemonade family, which includes Raspberry and Mango varieties.
All three new Simply beverage varieties are packaged in a 59-ounce carafe and available in the chilled juice section of grocery stores nationwide.
The Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta
Telephone: 800/871-2653
Internet: www.simplyorangejuice.com
Distribution: National
Ingredients: Simply Lemonade with Blueberry: Pure filtered water, sugar, lemon juice, blueberry puree and natural flavors.