Steaz unveils new packaging for its entire line
Steaz, a subsidiary of Doylestown, Pa.-based The Healthy Beverage Co., revealed its entire line of rebranded packaging. Now, all Steaz U.S. Department of Agriculture-certified organic and Fair Trade-certified energy drinks, iced teas and sparkling green teas come in brightly illustrated, recyclable aluminum cans that reflect the brand's core values and clearly indicate organic or zero-calorie attributes as well as the flavor profiles, the company says. Vancouver-based strategic imagination firm Toolbox Design led the rebranding project. In parallel, Steaz relaunched its website, steaz.com, with the new look.
The new Steaz packaging will be hitting store shelves through April, when the previous brand packaging will be entirely phased out, according to the company.
"The new packaging aesthetic brings a whole new vitality to the line,” said James Ducommun, president and owner of Toolbox Design, in a statement. “We love how vivid the new look is. The intense colors and natural elements like green leaves and fruit give new life to the can. It was all hand-illustrated, so the aesthetic has a truly human touch — and a lively, thirst-quenching feel. The effect feels soft and alive but intensely vibrant."
Alongside the redesign, in response to popular demand, Steaz reformulated its Sparkling Green Tea to have zero calories and added two new flavors to the line: Root Beer and Steazy Cola. Earlier this year, Steaz transitioned to a 100-percent green-tea-based beverage portfolio.
"Steaz has evolved over 10 years, and today's new packaging and Web redesign reflects this while maintaining the core principals of organic, Fair Trade and green tea that Steaz was founded on," said Steven Kessler, co-founder of Steaz, in a statement. "The new Steaz aesthetic makes choosing a healthy and refreshing beverage easier than ever by communicating at-a-glance the unique differences between each product and flavor."